PCOS hair loss: Tips for restoring

The polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disorder in the endocrine system which affects women in their reproductive ages. PCOS induce differ health disorders including weight gain, oily skin, excessive hair growth on the face and chest and scalp hair loss.
If you are suffering from PCOS hair loss, you might be looking for ways to treat that and regrow the lost hair. Fortunately there exist remedies that may help you achieve that. At hair transplant Dubai clinic, we treat such a hair loss condition with both surgical and non-surgical procedures.
Reasons for PCOS hair loss
In general, there can be numerous reasons for hair loss in women including anemia, hormonal imbalance, drug usage, menopause, and other illnesses.
It is normal to lose 50-100 hair a day as it is the natural process of growth in the body where the old hair is replaced by the newer one. So, it can be tricky to identify that whether your hair loss is normal or not. Some women may also lose hair just after giving birth to a baby, which is also called postpartum hair loss.
The PCOS hair loss follows the pattern of hair loss of men as it is caused by the excessive amount male hormones in women. In such a hair loss condition, you will experience the hair thinning and hair loss at the frontal hairline.
Women with PCOS have a higher number of male hormones, which is converted into the Dihydrotestosterone DHT. The DHT alters the hair growth and causes hair loss.
Treating PCOS hair loss
If you are a sufferer, don’t worry as there exist few treatment options to combat the hair loss and hair thinning due to PCOS.
Treating PCOS hair loss with medication is not so hard as the drugs available for male pattern hair loss treatment are viable for dealing with PCOS induced hair loss as well. Some popular drugs including Minoxidil and Finasteride may show effective outcomes but one need to use them for a longer period to get the maximum results.
Your surgeon may also advise you on a hair transplant for the PCOS induced hair loss as it causes hair loss by receding the hairline backward. Hair transplantation is a good option in order to get the youthfulness and completely natural strands back on your scalp.
Diet and lifestyle changes
Hair care and dieting regimen are vital in dealing with the hair loss induced by the PCOS disorder. Diet and lifestyle change is also considered as the limelight therapy for treating such a hair loss condition.

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Eating a nutrient-enriched diet
Since we are what we eat, maintaining a good dieting regimen is essential for our overall health and also for the health of hair follicles. Eating a diet enriched with proteins and minerals can work wonder to address the hair loss issues associated with PCOS.
In the case you are unable to get enough amount of nutrients to from your diet, your surgeon may prescribe you to go for the supplements to full fill the deficiency. These are effective but should not be used for a longer period as they can also induce serious side effects.
If you are suffering from a hair loss or hair thinning problem, the best way to deal with that is to consult with a certified hair loss expert. The hair loss expert would be able to identify the real culprits of your hair loss condition and suggest you a suitable remedy for that. You can book a free consultation at Hair Transplant in Dubai clinic by just filling an online form.


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